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Telegram is a no-cost messaging application that does not have ads and no subscription costs or limitations which compromise the service. It is available for Android as well as iOS and desktop PCs, Telegram supports voice and video calls, as well as files transfers up to 1GB in size. Telegram can also be used for making teams and group chats and broadcasting voice or video broadcasts to an enormous public. Telegram is still one of the most used applications in China despite the long-standing limitations, with over 500 million active users. It could be due to the end-to-end encryption that prevents the authorities from stealing messages and also its capability to let chats end after a certain period of time. Telegram Chinese Version telegram Chinese version offers bots and channels that provide topics from entertainment to news, and also offers sticker packs that can use in chat rooms which could include static videos, animated or static stickers that offer a variety of emojis. A...